North America


NEW CLUB?  Here is the New Club Application Form:

New clubs must submit their New Club Application, By-Laws and payment for fees (as calculated on new club application form).  Note, should you not meet the requirements, we will contact you and payment returned.


Renewing Your Club's Membership:


Liability Insurance offered to ZCCA member clubs:


The Official ZCCA Judged Car Show Manual

This is the 300-point scale judging rules document which covers Interior/Exterior/Engine Bay judging criteria and how to class a Z-car.  At the regional level, clubs *may* opt to collapse categories based on the size of their event.  At ZCON (the International Z Car Convention), we will break cars down into all categories.

How does the ZCCA operate?  Here are our BY-LAWS:


Other documents:


If you have other information you believe would be useful in this listing, please contact us and we'll update this page.